321 Studios OL-7141-04 Two-Way Radio User Manual

Cisco SDM Express
Chapter 1 Cisco SDM Express
Supplementary Help
The configuration that will be delivered to the router to secure access and file
transfer functions is as follows:
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh
Cisco SDM Express Buttons
Help Button
Click to open a new browser window and show information about the
Cisco SDM Express window displayed.
About Button
Clicking About displays a window containing Cisco SDM Express version
information. Click Hardware and Software Details in this window to display the
following information.
Hardware Details:
Router model type
Total memory in the router
Total flash capacity in the router
Where the router boots from (for example: flash)
A diagram of the hardware configuration is also provided.
Software Details:
The name of the Cisco IOS software the router is running
The release of the Cisco IOS software
The feature sets, such as Firewall and VPN, that the Cisco IOS software
The version of Cisco SDM Express