Uniden DECT1480 Cordless Telephone User Manual

An applicable Universal Service Order
Codes (USOC) cercaon for the jacks
used in this equipment is provided
(i.e., RJ11C) in the packaging with each
piece of approved terminal equipment.
A plug and jack used to connect this
equipment to the premises wiring and
telephone network must comply with
the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and
requirements adopted by the ACTA. A
compliant telephone cord and modular
plug is provided with this product. It is
designed to be connected to a compat-
ible modular jack that is also compliant.
See installaon instrucons for details.
The REN is used to determine the
number of devices that may be con-
nected to a phone line. Excessive RENs
on a phone line may result in devices
not ringing in response to an incoming
call. In most but not all areas, the sum
of RENs should not exceed ve (5.0).
To be certain of the number of devices
that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact
the telephone provider. The REN for
this product is part of the product
idener that has the format US:
AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented
by ## are the REN without a decimal
point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3).
If this equipment causes harm to the
telephone network, the telephone
company will nofy you in advance
that temporary disconnuance of ser-
vice may be required. But if advance
noce isn't praccal, the telephone
company will nofy the customer as
soon as possible. Also, you will be
advised of your right to le a com-
plaint with the FCC if you believe it is
necessary. The telephone company
may make changes in its facilies,
equipment, operaons or procedures
that could aect the operaon of
the equipment. If this happens the
telephone company will provide ad-
vance noce in order for you to make
necessary modicaons to maintain
uninterrupted service.
Please follow instrucons for repair-
ing, if any (e.g. baery replacement
secon); otherwise do not substute
or repair any parts of the device
except as specied in this manual.
Connecon to party line service is
subject to state taris. Contact the
state public ulity commission, public
service commission or corporaon
commission for informaon. This
equipment is hearing aid compable.
If you experience trouble with this
equipment, contact the manufacturer
(see the cover of this manual for
contact informaon) or an authorized
agent. If the equipment is causing
harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company may request that
you disconnect the equipment unl
the problem is resolved.
If your home has wired alarm equip-
ment connected to a phone line, be
sure that installing the system does
not disable your alarm equipment. If
you have quesons about what will
disable alarm equipment, contact your
telephone company or a qualied