Chapter 11: Additional Information
FAQ for Wi-Fi
A. Compatibility
A1: Should I use equipment with the same brand as the IEEE802.11b
WLAN Adapter’s to enable the wireless communication?
This is not necessary. IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter is Wi-Fi certified
which means that it will work well with different branded equipments
as long as the equipment is also Wi-Fi certified.
A2: Can I connect IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to other devices using
No, you can only connect the IEEE802.11b WLAN Adapter to other
IEEE802.11b equipment.
B. Wireless LAN Connectivity
B1: How do I form a wireless network?
Typically, you can form a wireless network by connecting Access Points.
Different Access Points should have different channels. Every de-
vices connected to the network should have the same SSID. When
you are using Access Points, set the mode to “Infrastructure” mode.
Without Access Points, you can still build a network where adapters
communicate peer-to-peer using a shared SSID. When you are not
using Access Points, change the operating mode to be “802.11Ad
Hoc”. To set the operating mode, click
StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJConfig.
B2: How can I connect my Toshiba Pocket PC e750/e755 to the usable
Wireless Network?
Please click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless LAN UtilityJScan
to view Scan Page where you can find the usable Wireless Network.
If you cannot see all the networks you are expecting, please click
“Rescan” to see the list of usable Wireless Networks. Choose one
Wireless Network you want and double click the BSSID to connect to
the network. Once the network is chosen, you need to configure the
IEEE802.11b WLAN adapter.
Click StartJSettingsJConnectionsJNetwork AdaptersJIEEE802.11b
WLAN AdapterJPropertiesJIP Address to set IP address, Subnet mask
and Default gateway settings. Click StartJSettingsJSystemJWireless
LAN Utility to edit other settings, such as Mode and SSID etc. If the
WEP Mode of the Wireless Network you selected is enabled (64bit or
128bit WEP Mode), please choose the proper WEP KeyID and the
proper WEP Key value network.