Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2B: Controlling Your Phone’s Settings 27
Section 2B
Controlling Your Phone’s Settings
In This Section
ᮣ Customizing Profiles
ᮣ Selecting a Profile
ᮣ Selecting Silent Mode
ᮣ Adjusting Volume Settings
ᮣ Customizing Ringing Tones
ᮣ Selecting Ringing Tones for Messages
ᮣ Customizing Alert Notifications
ᮣ Enabling Location Info Sharing
ᮣ Customizing the Welcome Note
ᮣ Customizing the Display Banner
ᮣ Adjusting the Screen Brightness
his section describes how you can change your phone’s settings to best
suit your requirements. Take a few moments to review these options and
add or adjust the settings that are right for you.
Your phone has five adjustable profiles, including Normal, Silent, Meeting,
Outdoor, and Pager. Which profile you select and how you have adjusted
each profile will determine the characteristics of your phone when you are in
that particular profile. Note, as well, that the menu structure and associated
options are identical for all five profiles, with the only exception being that
you cannot rename your Normal profile.