Section 9
My Photos
In this menu you can review the photos you’ve taken.
Highlight a photo and press the Options soft key to
choose from the following options:
• View: allows you to view the photo on your display.
• Send to My Album: allows you to send your photos to My
• Send via: allows you to send the picture via Picture message or
• Default destination: allows you to Remove or Replace where
your photos are sent after you take them.
• Set as: allows you to set the photo as your Wallpaper or as a
Caller ID.
• Edit: allows you to add emoticons or frames to your photos or
apply special effects.
• Delete: allows you to delete the selected photo or all photos.
• Rename: allows you to rename the photo.
• Slide Show: allows you to see all of your photos in a slide show
• Share for Bluetooth: allows the photo to be shared or released
for the use of another Bluetooth device.
• Protection: allows you to lock the photo to protect it from
• Properties: displays the image name, date, format, resolution,
size, quality, and protection.
In this menu, you can view a list of videos downloaded
from the web server or received in multimedia messages.
The following options are available: