- However, the Voicemail Administrator can adjust parameters per sub-
scriber or group of subscribers that decide how, when, or if to delete the
original voice message after it is sent to the E-Mail Server.
• When full synchronization of messages between Voicemail Box and E-mail
Inbox is required, ask your Samsung representative about the OfficeServ IP-
UMS.This is an Internet Protocol based fully synchronized Unified Messaging
• Store and Archive Voice and Fax Mail Messages in visible folders.
• Voice and Fax Mail Messages can now easily be dragged and dropped into
folders the same way e-mail messages are organized and saved.
• Voice and Fax Mail Messages are now essentially the same as any other e-mail
• Backups and Message Archives can be made when they are made for all other
types of e-mail messages.
• Add text notes and comments to use for reference later.
• Some (if not all) e-mail clients will allow you to edit the body of the e-mail to
add comments.
• Some will allow you to edit the subject field to help you find a particular mes-
sage quickly in a large archive of messages.
• Call Back Numbers and Date & Time Stamp are easily displayed in the Subject
• Easily forward Voice messages received, to others even if they are not a
Voicemail Subscriber on your system.
• No EMG System or Client Software to load on your Local PC or Network
Therefore compatible with most:
- E-Mail providers and E-Mail Clients
- PCs,Laptops,PDA,and/or Smartphones
NOTE: If you are not sure you have this functionality on your system and
you would like to use it, please contact your on Site system administrator
to see if it is available.
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