Access and use the Personal Directory
4. Press Next to copy the incoming call
without editing the name. Edit the
number, if required (see notes for
step 5), and go to step 6.
Press Clear to make changes to the
name before saving. Add the name
using the dial pad, Delete, and Case
Keys as needed.
5. Press the Next Key. Make changes to
the telephone number, if required.
Note 1: The number may contain up to
31 digits.
Note 2: Press the Pause Key to insert a
1.5 second pause in the dialing string.
Note 3: If you are copying an external or
long distance number, be sure that your
directory entry includes the access codes
required by your system to make an
external or long distance call.
6. Press the Done Key. The entry is saved
to your Personal Directory and you are
returned to the Redial List.