
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150 7
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide
Connecting to the CallPilot 100/150
To connect to the CallPilot 100/150, you need the IP address of the CallPilot 100/150 and a
connection to the network that the CallPilot 100/150 is on.
The default IP address for CallPilot 100/150 is
If you can use the default IP address
If the default IP address is compatible with your network, connect the LAN cable to the Ethernet
port on the CallPilot 100/150 and proceed to “Running the Quick Install Wizard” on page 9.
If you cannot use the default IP address
If the default IP address is not compatible, you must change the IP address before you connect the
CallPilot 100/150 to the network. You can change the IP address using a serial cable or an Ethernet
crossover cable (direct PC connection).
Changing the IP address using a serial cable
If you are going to change the IP address using a serial cable, you need a:
serial cable
VT100-compatible terminal or a computer that has a VT100 compatible terminal emulation
program such as HyperTerminal
Configuring the terminal
The terminal or terminal emulation program you use must be VT100 compatible and must support
the ASCII Character set. If the terminal does not support the ASCII Character set, the text displays
You must configure your terminal to the following communications parameters:
9600 bits per second
8 data bits
no parity
•1 stop bit
no flow control
Note: If you are unsure if the default IP address is compatible, contact your network
Note: The serial port is intended for temporary connections only. After you have finished
changing the IP address, remove the serial cable and close the CallPilot 100/150 door.
Failure to remove the serial cable may result in a non-compliant EMC configuration.