Terms you should know
Terms you should know
A telephone operator in your organization.
A telephone number programmed on the AutoDial key for one-
touch dialing.
Callers List
A list of all incoming calls (maximum 100 entries).
Calling Party Name Display (CPND)
Information appearing on the LCD display screen such as the
caller’s name and telephone number. The system must have
CPND enabled.
Category 5 (CAT5)
Balanced 100 Ohm cable and associated connecting hardware
whose transmission characteristics are specified up to 100 MHz.
It is used by 10BaseT, 100BaseT4, and 100BaseTX installations.
The cable normally has four pairs of copper wire. Category 5 is
the most popular cable used in new installations today.
Communication Server 1000
An office communication system.
Date/Time display
The current date and time when the telephone is in an idle state.
Directory key
Enables access to Corporate Directory, Personal Directory,
Redial List, and Callers List.