MicroNet Technology SP5052A/S IP Phone User Manual

change the time waiting for dial tone.
-rba set how many rings the gateway will answer the call
(1 ~ 5 rings)
-eod End of dial.(Enable:1 / Disable:0)
-connect The unit will send the connect message to the IP side
automatically. This function just supports the
one-stage-dialing function.
2.11 [sip]
This command is to configure SIP related parameters.
usr/config$ sip
SIP stack information and configuration
sip [-mode pxmode]
sip [-px address] [-px2 address] [-outpx address]
sip [-pxport number] [-px2port number] [-outpxport number]
[-expire t1] [-prefix prefixstring] [-line number]
sip -print
-print Display SIP stack information and configuration.
-mode Configure as Peer-to-Peer mode:0/Proxy mode:1/Gatway:2.
-px Primary Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns
-px2 Secondary Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns
-pxport Proxy server port. (the port of proxy)
-px2port Secondary Proxy server port. (the port of Secondary
-outpx OutBound Proxy server address. (IPv4 address or dns
-outpxport OutBound Proxy server port. (the port of OutBound
-prefix Specify prefix string, use it when UserID contains
Alphabets (if UserID uses numerals, specify as null)
-line1 Line 1 is E.164 number of L1.