6.22. [prefix]
Prefix drop/insert information manipulation
Prefix drop/insert information and configuration
prefix -add [prefix number][drop number][insert digits]
prefix -delete index
prefix -modify index [prefix number][drop number][insert number]
prefix -print Prefix drop/insert information.
prefix The prefix of dialed number.
drop Drop prefix(Enable:1/Disable:0).
insert Insert digits.
prefix -add prefix 100 drop 1 insert 2000
prefix -add prefix 100 drop 1
prefix -add prefix 100 drop 0 insert 200
prefix -delete 1
prefix -modify 1 prefix 100 drop 0 insert 300
Parameter Usage:
Add a rule to drop or insert prefix digits of incoming call.
prefix : Set which prefix number to implement prefix rule.
drop : Enable or disable drop function. If this function is enabled,
Gateway will drop prefix number on incoming call.
insert : Set which digit to insert on incoming call.
Modify a rule to drop or insert prefix digits of incoming call.
Delete a rule to drop or insert prefix digits of incoming call.