About this User’s Manual
This user’s guide gives hardware specifications and explains web configuration and
command line configuration for the VoIP Telephony Gateway.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Online Upgrade
Please refer to
http://www.micronet.info/ for additional support documentation.
General Syntax Conventions
Mouse action sequences are denoted using a comma. For example, click start,
Settings, Control Panel, Network means first you click Start, Click or move the mouse
pointer over Settings the click or move the mouse pointer over Control Panel and
finally click (or double-click) Network.
“Enter” means to type one or more characters.
Predefined choices are in Bold Arial Font.
A single keystroke is in Arial font and enclosed in square brackets. [Enter] means the
For brevity’s sake, we will use “e.g.,” as shorthand for “for instance”, and “i.e.,” for “that
is” or “in other words.”
Safety Notes
Use the external power supply that is included in the package. Other power supplies
may cause damage to the phone, affect the behavior or induce noise.