HP iPAQ success story
Sembawang Shipyard, Singapore
The challenge
- Optimise the use of the company’s workforce by
using real-time intelligence to make more informed
deployment decisions
The solution
- HP iPAQ Pocket PC
- Enterprise server system allowing wireless access
to the HP iPAQ
- Wireless Bridges enabling high-speed long-range
outdoor links
The results
- Reduction in administrative work resulting in
significant cost savings for the company
- Improvement in the estimation of manpower
requirements, sub-contracting costs and patterns
of manpower deployment
“It is envisaged that a wireless
solution would allow for the
real-time reporting of our
workforce. Such ‘deployment
intelligence’ will also allow us
to optimise the use of our
workforce in the dynamic
work environment.”
Mr Heng Chiang Gnee
Managing Director
Sembawang Shipyard Pte Ltd
Sembawang Shipyard assists clients from over 35 countries with ship repair
and conversion. With over 200 vessels handled annually, efficient deployment
of the company’s workforce is critical to the cost, manning and management
of Sembawang’s projects. With HP iPAQ Pocket PCs, supervisors on board
the vessels can check workers’ qualifications, skill sets and legal status by
scanning their identification barcodes. Wireless data links help managers
on the ground make instant cross and re-deployment decisions based on
real-time intelligence. And supervisors can wirelessly access project
information from databases residing on the company’s enterprise server
system, providing better estimations of manpower requirements and sub-
contracting costs.
The HP iPAQ solution has replaced manual labour tracking on job sheets
and minimised administrative work, resulting in significant time and cost
savings. Thanks to the HP iPAQ, Sembawang can make more informed
and timely manpower decisions with the flexibility to respond to a dynamic
work environment.
The HP iPAQ Pocket PC helps Sembawang
Shipyard with manpower deployment