78 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
your HP Jornada are displayed as any other folder on your
desktop PC. You can cut, paste, and copy files between
folders on your HP Jornada, or transfer files between your
HP Jornada and your desktop PC, simply by dragging the
file icons between the appropriate folders.
For more information about transferring files, including details on converting file types
between Pocket Office and Office 97 programs, see the Transferring files section later
in this chapter.
You cannot open files or start programs stored on your
HPJornada by double-clicking their icons in the Mobile
Devices window. When you double-click the icon for a file or
program that is stored on your HP Jornada, Windows CE
Services displays the properties for that file or program, as if
you had clicked Properties on the File menu.
The Mobile Devices window on your desktop PC displays
the contents of your HP Jornada (shown here with
Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Desktop).