120 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
Using bFIND from bSquare
With bFIND
you can search for a word or text string in
any database, file, file name, or e-mail message stored on
your HPJornada. Simply enter the characters you want to
search for in the initial bFIND dialog box, and bFIND
retrieves all occurrences of that string. bFIND is integrated
with existing programs, so, double-clicking one of the
search results within bFIND launches the program in
which the string was found, and opens the document
containing that search string.
bFIND includes default script files for the standard
WindowsCE programs, databases, and file types. These
script files help bFIND interpret search results and drive
other applications to complete the searches that are
started within bFIND. You can search any or all of the
following areas:
• E-mail messages
• Contacts, Appointments, and Tasks databases
• Other databases (Pocket Access databases, for example)
• File contents (including Pocket Word and Pocket Excel
• File names (searches files and folders)
• bFAX packages
To start bFIND
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Accessories, and then click bFIND.
For detailed procedures about using bFIND, see online Help.