Chapter 6 | Getting down to business | 107
To see more of your document, on the View menu, click Full Screen.
Using Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint
You can deliver professional online presentations with
PocketPowerPoint. Simply create the presentation in
Microsoft PowerPoint 97 on your desktop PC and transfer
the presentation to your device.
You can show the presentation directly on your device, or you
can connect your HP Jornada to a VGA monitor or a projec-
tor and show the presentation to a large group. This option
allows you to view PowerPoint speaker notes on the
HPJornada display while your presentation is showing on
the VGA-compatible monitor. Your Pocket PowerPoint file
will include the text, pictures, notes, and layout position of
the original Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, but it will
not include animations or slide transitions.
To show a presentation
1. Using Windows CE Services, copy the presentation
from your desktop PC to your HP Jornada.
2. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Office, and click Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint.
Press the PowerPoint hot key.
3. In the Open Presentation dialog box, select the
presentation you want to show, and then click OK.
4. To change the presentation display and slide-advance
options, on the Tools menu, click Set Up Show.
5. To show the presentation, on the View menu, click
View Show. If you chose Manual under Presenta-
tion Display in step 4, use the Previous and Next
buttons to control the slides.