52 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
To log on to the network with your HP Jornada
1. Plug the NIC into the PC Card slot on your
HPJornada. The network will establish a
connection automatically.
After you have connected your HP Jornada to the network,
you can access a file on a network file server by typing the
complete path to the file in the Windows CE address bar.
To access a file on a network
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, and then
click Windows Explorer.
2. Be sure the address bar is visible—on the View
menu, be sure a check mark appears next to
Address Bar.
3. In the address bar, type the full network path
to the file you want to open, using the format
Or, click here to see a list of recently accessed files.
Type the full network
path in the address bar.