Chapter 7 | Customizing your HP Jornada | 123
To install software
1. Download the software program or installer from the
Web to your desktop PC.
Insert the floppy disk or compact disc into the
appropriate drive on your desktop PC.
2. Connect your HP Jornada to your desktop PC.
3. If the program includes an installer program (typi-
cally named Setup.exe or Install.exe), double-click
the installer program on the desktop PC. The in-
staller program will copy the necessary files to your
HP Jornada.
If the program does not have an associated installer
or setup program, drag the program file (typically an
*.exe file type) to the HP Jornada icon in the Mobile
Devices window. If the No converter selected
dialog box appears, click OK to copy the file without
Install software by dragging the program file to the Mobile Devices window only if no
installer program is available. Software installed in this way may not appear on the