Grandstream Networks DP710 Cordless Telephone User Manual

Firmware version DP715/DP710 User Manual Page 44 of 52
to “Yes”, “#” will send the number. In this case, this key is essentially equivalent to the
“Dial” key. If set to “No”, this “#” key can be included as part of number.
Dial Plan
Dial Plan Rules:
1. Accepted Digits: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 , *, #, A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d
2. Grammar: x - any digit from 0-9;
a) xx+ - at least 2 digit numbers
b) xx - only 2 digit numbers
c) ^ - exclude
d) [3-5] - any digit of 3, 4, or 5
e) [147] - any digit of 1, 4, or 7
f) <2=011> - replace digit 2 with 011 when dialing
g) | - the OR operand
• Example 1: {[369]11 | 1617xxxxxxx}
Allow 311, 611, and 911 or any 10 digit numbers with leading digits 1617
• Example 2: {^1900x+ | <=1617>xxxxxxx}
Block any number of leading digits 1900 or add prefix 1617 for any dialed 7 digit
• Example 3: {1xxx[2-9]xxxxxx | <2=011>x+}
Allows any number with leading digit 1 followed by a 3 digit number, followed by any
number between 2 and 9, followed by any 7 digit number OR Allows any length of
numbers with leading digit 2, replacing the 2 with 011 when dialed.
3. Default: Outgoing {x+}
Allow any length of numbers.
Example of a simple dial plan used in a Home/Office in the US:
{ ^1900x+ | <=1617>[2-9]xxxxxx | 1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx | 011[2-9]x+ | [3469]11 }
Explanation of example rule (reading from left to right):
• ^1900x+ - prevents dialing any number started with 1900
• <=1617>[2-9]xxxxxx - allows dialing to local area code (617) numbers by dialing
7 numbers and 1617 area code will be added automatically
• 1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx |- allows dialing to any US/Canada Number with 11 digits
• 011[2-9]x - allows international calls starting with 011
• [3469]11 - allow dialing special and emergency numbers 311, 411, 611 and 911
Note: In some cases where the user wishes to dial strings such as *123 to activate voice
mail or other applications provided by their service provider, the * should be predefined
inside the dial plan feature. An example dial plan will be: { *x+ } which allows the user to
dial * followed by any length of numbers.
Default is “No”. When set to “Yes” a SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication will be
sent periodically.
Send Anonymous
If this parameter is set to “Yes”, the “From” header in outgoing INVITE message will be set
to anonymous, essentially blocking the Caller ID from displaying.
Disable Call-Waiting
Default is No. If set to YESCall Waiting indication information will not be provided to
Disable Call-Waiting
Caller ID
Default is No. If set to YES Call Waiting caller ID will not be provided to the handset.
Disable Reminder Ring
Default is No. Play the reminder ring when this is set to Enable.