Installing the PC Synchronization Program
Use the following steps to install the PC Synchronization program on your personal
computer. Please note that the program has the following system requirements:
# IBM-compatible Pentium PC 133 MHz or higher
# Windows 95/98 (English version)
# 32 MB RAM
# 30 MB hard disk space
# CD ROM driver (for installation)
# One free serial communication (COM) Port
Note : Your CD comes with a Content file that contains detailed instructions on how
to use your PC Synchronization Program.
I. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
II. Double click Setup.EXE to install the program.
Your PC Synchronization Program will be installed in C:\Pcsync unless you specify
otherwise. If the CD-ROM does not start automatically, then you will need to do
the following:
1. Go to | Start | Programs | Windows Explorer.
2. Click on your CD-ROM drive.
This is normally D:\. If you changed it, then choose your CD-ROM drive.
3. Double click Setup.EXE and follow the instructions on the screen.
To start your PC Synchronization Program, do the following:
4. Go to | Start | Programs | Pcsync | PC Synchronization Program.
5. Type the folder name in the first field.