Using the Calculator
! Making a Calculation
1. Press (calc).
2. Type a number.
You can type up to 12 digits. To type a decimal, press O(.).
To clear a number, press RETURN (c/ce).
3. Press T (+),Y (-), U (x) or I (÷) to add, subtract, multiply, or divide respectively.
4. Type another number.
5. Press P (=) to calculate.
Or press G (%) to calculate the percentage.
6. Press RETURN (c/ce) to clear the calculations.
! Using the Calculator Memory
1. In the (calc), make a calculation or type a number.
2. To add the number on the screen to the number stored in memory, press R (m+).
3. To subtract the number on the screen from the number stored in memory, press
E (m-).
M indicates the number is stored in memory.
4. To retrieve the number from memory, press “W (mr)”.
5. To clear the memory, press “Q (mc)”.
Note : When the integer part of a calculation result, or any integer in the memory,
exceeds 12 digits (including the decimal point), or any other invalid operation is
attempted, a calculator error will occur and “E” will appear in the display. Press
RETURN (c/ce) to clear the error.