Dynaflex LCR Telephone Accessories User Manual

A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability.
To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
Data Required for LORD Coupling Recommendation
Toll Free Number (in United States and Canada): +1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673)
All Information in This Box is Required Data.
Date _____________________________________________ LORD Recommended P/N __________________________
Company Name ___________________________________ Field Engineer ____________________________________
Address __________________________________________ Discussed With ___________________________________
__________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________
General description of problem and equipment ____________________________________________________________
Retrofi t New System
Driving Unit
* Description __________________________________________________________________________________________
* Model No. _______________________________________ * Manufacturer ____________________________________
* 2-Stroke/Cycle 4-Stroke/Cycle
* Rotational Inertia and Torsional Spring Rate Data (attach tabulated data)
* Radial Support Needed: Yes No
Driven Unit
* Description __________________________________________________________________________________________
* Model No. _______________________________________ * Manufacturer ____________________________________
* Rotational Inertia and Torsional Spring Rate Data (attach tabulated data)
* Parasitic Torque required __________lb-ft
* Mass elastic schematic of entire system (please attach sketch)
Test data (attach if available)
Speeds of Driving Unit: Idle ________ RPM Normal _________ RPM Maximum ________ RPM
% Time: @ Idle ____________ @ Normal ____________ @ Maximum _____________
Speed Ratio Driving to Driven Unit: __________________________ to ______________________________
* Torque: Normal ___________ lb-ft Maximum _________ lb-ft (@ ___________ RPM)
Present Vibration: Peak-to-Peak Response Maximum __________lb-ft @ ____________CPM
* Transient Shock: Magnitude: __________________lb-ft
Duration: ____________________milliseconds
How Often: __________________times per hour
* Briefl y describe any peculiarities or special circumstances of the dyanmic system ____________________________
* Required data (OVER)
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