PART 6 Data Communications
To send one month of Calendar data (highlights)
1. In the Calendar Mode, press FUNCTION once or twice to display the function
2. Press the applicable number key to select DATA COMM.
3. Press
1 to select SEND.
4. Press
1 to select MODE DATA.
5. Specify the period whose highlights you want to send.
6. Press
ENTER to start the send operation or ESC to abort the operation without
sending anything.
• If the corresponding calendar in the receiving unit already contains high-
lighted dates, the received data is ignored. You have to clear the correspond-
ing data in the receiving unit before it can receive highlight data.
• To abort the send operation at any time, press
• If an error occurs during the send operation, the message “TRANSMIT
ERROR!” appears on the display. Press
ESC to clear the error message.
7. After the send operation is complete, the display returns to the initial screen
when you started this procedure.
To send all Telephone Directory, Memo Mode, To Do Mode, or
Anniversary Mode data
1. In the Telephone Directory, Memo Mode, To Do Mode, or Anniversary Mode,
FUNCTION once or twice to display the function menu.
• You can perform the following operation while in the open memory area
or the secret memory area.
2. Press the applicable number key to select DATA COMM.
3. Press
1 to select SEND.
4. Press
1 to select MODE DATA.
5. Press
ENTER to start the send operation or ESC to abort the operation without
sending anything.
• To abort the send operation at any time, press
• If an error occurs during the send operation, the message “TRANSMIT
ERROR!’’ appears on the display. Press
ESC to clear the error message.
6. After the send operation is complete, the display returns to the initial screen
of the mode you were in when you started this procedure.