IPF-2000 User Manual
Figure below shows the options of the Main Menu:
5.1. Network Settings
The default setting for IPF-2000 is DHCP . Therefore, IPF-2000 will be able to connect to the internet under any
DHCP environment.
If the network environment is either PPPoE or Static IP, please change the networking setting of IPF-2000 to its
corresponding network environment.
Enter keypad configuration mode and select [network setting]. Select either DHCP, Static IP or PPPoE based on
your network environment on the phone.
5.1.1. DHCP Settings
1. Connect the power adaptor of IPF-2000 and connect the PPPoE network to the IPF-2000 to its RJ-45 port.
2. Press 1234# (Hold the “#” key) Æ [Password] Æ Press 1234 and then press ENTER Æ Network Settings.
3. Press ENTER Æ [iptype] Æ press SPD/HOLD Æ Blinking Cursor Æ Press 1 and then press ENTER (1 sets
your networking settings to DHCP).
5.1.2. Static IP Setting
1. Connect the power adaptor of IPF-2000 and connect the PPPoE network to the IPF-2000 to its RJ-45 port.
2. Press1234# (Hold the “#” key) → [Password]→ Press 1234 and then press ENTER→ Network Settings.
3. Press ENTER→ [iptype] →press SPD/HOLD→ Blinking Cursor→ Press 0 and then press ENTER (0 sets
your networking settings to Static IP).
4. Press ENTER→ [IP] →SPD/HOLD→ Blinking Cursor→ Input IP address (XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and the
press ENTER.
5. Press ENTER→ Subnet Mask→ Press SPD/HOLD→ Blinking Cursor→ Input Subnet Mask information
(XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and then press ENTER.