ALM / 0F000xxx XX XX / 00 YYYY MM DD hh mm ss +/- xxxx xxxx xx
(Fixed) (Fixed) 8 digits Alarm type Number (Fixed) Fixed Alarm Occurred Time (GMT) Time Zone Alarm Code Contact Number
• Alarms
The encoder can receive the following alarms.
• DRY CONTACT (Contact alarm)
• CAMERA SITE ALARM (Overlapped alarm output signal with camera video signal supplied from a camera when the
video motion detection function of a camera is activated, or when an alarm device such as a sensor connected to
the alarm input connector of the camera is activated.)
• VIDEO LOSS ALARM (Alarm output signal supplied from a camera when a camera is malfunctioning, the power of
the camera is off, when a wire is broken, if there is connection trouble, etc.)
• Action of the encoder when an alarm is received
By setting the ALARM page, you can set the encoder to activate the following operations simultaneously when the
above alarms occurred.
• Displaying the selected preset position of the camera
• Changing the bit rate of video and audio
• Sending an alarm notification command to the designated IP address with the designated port number (IP address:
Port No.).
• Alarm notification command
The format of the alarm notification command is as below.
The alarm notification command is sent in the form of a TCP/IP protocol packet.
Perform the settings of destination (IP address and port number) to which the alarm notification command is to be sent
in the "ALARM NOTIFICATION IP ADDRESS" input box on the ALARM page.
MAC IP TCP Header TCP Data
Details of the "TCP/IP Data" part
ALM Fixed Alarm Identifier
/ Fixed
0F000xxx 8 digits Identifier number of the encoder ("xxx" part is the set value for the rotary switch on
the front panel of the encoder)
XX Alarm type 20: Camera Site Alarm, Video Loss Alarm
40: Contact Alarm
XX Number Numbers in order of camera site alarm or video loss alarm occurrence
00: 1, In case of contact alarm occurrence, fixed to 00.
01: 2
02: 3
03: 4
/ Fixed
00 Fixed
YYYY 4 digits: Alarm Occurred Time (Year)
MM 2 digits: Alarm Occurred Time (Month)
DD 2 digits: Alarm Occurred Time (Date)