BASIC Moves Development Studio 06/2005 Danaher Motion
32 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
For example:
For I = 2 TO 5
Print "I = " I 'Prints 2, 3, 4, 5
Next I
For I = 4 TO 2 STEP –0.5
Print "I = " I 'Prints 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0
While…End While allows looping dependent on a dynamic condition. For
example, you may want to remain in a loop until the velocity exceeds a
certain value.
The syntax of While is:
While Condition
{statements to execute as long as condition is true}
End While
The condition is evaluated before any statements are
executed. If the condition is initially false, no statements are
Statements are optional. If none are included, While…End
While acts as a delay.
You can have any number of statements (including zero) to
be executed.
For example:
While A2.VelocityFeedback < 1000
Print "Axis 2 Velocity Feedback still under 1000"
End While
End Program
Using the While or Do…Loop, the CPU repeatedly executes the While
block (even if the block is empty). This is sometimes a problem. These
commands do not relinquish system resources to other tasks. If you want to
free up CPU resources during a While block or Do…Loop, include the
Sleep command within the block as follows:
While A1.VCmd < 1000
Sleep 1
End While
End Program
The Do...Loop is similar to While except that the statement block is
executed before the first evaluation of the condition. With the Do...Loop, the
statement block are always executed at least once. Do...Loop also allows an
option on the condition. Use While to execute while the condition is true, or
Until to execute while the condition is false. The syntax of the Do...Loop is:
LOOP While|Until Condition
The statements are executed at least once.
Statements are optional. If none are included, Do...Loop acts
as a delay.