Overview 06/2005 Danaher Motion
2 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
The MC hardware is available in two types of implementation: a plug-in
circuit board for a host computer, and a stand-alone model.
The PCI plug-in board hardware installs in a host computer (typically a PC),
running the Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/XP operating systems. The MC
contains a fully-independent computer system., so it does not compete with
the host processor system for resources. The MC uses Pentium 233 MHz or
faster microprocessor to provide the power your system needs today, and
the x86 upgrade path allows for future enhancement. The MC includes large
on-board memory with ample capacity for your programs and enough space
for expansion. There is also an onboard Flashdisk for storage of your
The stand-alone model of the MC is designed for installation as a component
part in industrial equipment. It consists of the PCI version plug-in board and a
power supply in an enclosure. The stand-alone model does not have a host
CPU to provide a Windows operating system and environment, so it can not
directly provide an operator interface. For interactive operation of the stand-
alone MC, you will need a host computer running BASIC Moves
Development Studio software and communicating with the MC via Ethernet
or serial communications with Windows NT, Windows 2000/XP operating
system. For additional information concerning communications configuration
refer to the SERVOSTAR
MC Installation Manual.
All implementation models of the SERVOSTAR MC are functionally
equivalent for servo motion control
The SERVOSTAR MC is based on the VxWorks
RealTime Operating
System (RTOS), providing a stable platform for the SERVOSTAR's software.
VxWorks is produced by Wind River Systems, Incorporated. VxWorks is
continuously evolving, providing a clear path for future upgrades to the MC.
The MC uses a language interpreter that semi-compiles commands so they
typically execute in less than 5 microseconds. MC-BASIC
is true BASIC. It
has familiar commands such as FOR…NEXT, IF…THEN, PRINTUSING,
PEEK and POKE as well as common string functions such as CHR$,
INSTR, MID$, and STRING$. It allows arrays (up to 10 dimensions) with full
support for double precision floating-point math. MC-BASIC is extended to
provide support for functions required for motion systems control, (e.g., point
to point moves, circular and linear interpolation, camming, and gearing). In
addition, there is support for multi-tasking and event-driven programs.
Gearing and camming have the versatility required for motion control. You
can slave any axis to any master. You can enable and disable gearing at any
time. The gear ratio is expressed as a double-precision value. The MC also
supports simulated axes, which can be master or slave in gearing and
camming applications and incremental moves run by any axis, master or
slave, at any time.