Danaher Motion 06/2005 Master-Slave
If you have linked cams, the cam cycle runs the number of times specified in
CYCLES. For example, assume Cam1 is being driven by a forward rotating
master. If CAM1.NEXT=CAM2 and CAM1.CYCLES=4, Cam1 cycles four
times before transitioning to Cam2. Similarly, if the master is rotating
backward and CAM1.PREVIOUS=Cam0, Cam1 cycles four times before
transitioning to Cam0.
If the cam has run enough to exhaust the number of cycles and no cams are
linked to the current cam, the axis automatically disables camming and
decelerates at maximum deceleration to zero velocity.
5.3.6. Create Cam Tables
Cam tables contain the point-pairs that map the master position feedback to
the slave position. Cam tables are only a part of cams. Other properties of
cams include CYCLE, NEXT and PREVIOUS. Only the table portion of
cams are stored permanently in the MC's Flash disk. The other properties
are set during program operation.
There are two types of cam tables: static and dynamic. Static tables are built
and stored in flash disk to be used later while dynamic tables are built at run
time. You should choose a type based on your application. STATIC TABLES
Static cam tables are built offline and stored permanently in the MC's Flash
disk. They allow you to use advanced tools to graphically build and inspect
the cam table, and do not take away from system processing resources at
run time. Static cam tables are usually the best choice when the cam table
does not change during normal operation.
You can build static tables two ways. First, you can use Windows tools to
build the table, then use MC tools to convert and store the table. Second,
you can build static cam tables inside the MC. Both methods are shown in
the next figure.
From Windows
Create point-pairs
with a spreadsheet.
Save as .CSV file.
Use the LOAD button in
BASIC Moves to convert the
*.CSV file to a *.CAM file in
Create cam with
Store in Flash with
Calculate and store
cam data point-pairs.
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 113