Danaher Motion 06/2005 Appendix B
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 175
Joint movement gives the illusion of moving one physical axis (MOVE J1 100), although
several motors could be moving together. The movement is executed according to the
specified joint’s movement parameters. For example:
A1.Acc = 100
MOVE A1 50
Is analogous to:
J1.Acc = 100
MOVE J1 50
Move-Joint simulates the behavior of moving a single axis by moving a single joint both by
the parameters and physical motion. The only difference is that several motors are moving
instead of just one. When moving joints, all motor limits within each group axis are checked.
The joint movement is a group movement of one joint-coordinate with the group motion
parameters copied from the shadow-axis. The following translation rule is true:
MOVE J1 10
' MOVE {10,0,0,0} abs = J1.abs vcruise = J1.vcruise acc = J1.acc
. . .
The same rules of group-motion apply.
Robot Models
A robot is defined as a group with a special model type. Currently, the following kinematics
models are available:
1 – regular group: no kinematic model (default value)
2 – PUMA: 6 axis, XYZYPR (X,Y,Z, Yaw, Pitch, Roll)
4 – SCARA: 4 axis, XYZR (X,Y,Z, Roll)
6 – DELTA: 4 axis, XYZR (X,Y,Z, Roll)
COMMON SHARED scara AS GROUP AxNm = a1 AxNm = a2 AxNm = a3 AxNm = a4 Model = 4
This automatically defines a robot with a SCARA kinematics model. Contrary to the regular
groups that need only the axis to be enabled, you must set the robot parameters and
configure them. The robot parameters needing to be set differs from robot to robot. For the
SCARA robot, these are:
Set all axes with all standard kinematics parameters.
Define the roll-over properties.
Set all user-units factors for the entire group: VFAC, AFAC, JFAC
Set segment lengths and joints orientations for each robotic link.
Set kinematics of regular groups (VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, JERK, etc.)
Set kinematics of Cartesian motions (VTRAN,VROT, etc.)
Only after setting all these and successfully executing CONFIGGROUP can the robot be
moved. Otherwise, an error is returned, stating that the group is not configured. The
important difference between the regular groups (those with default model value 1) and the
robot, is the necessity of executing CONFIGGROUP. In robot groups, no motion is allowed
before the robot is configured.
Model value automatically defines the default robot world space descriptor. For model 4
(SCARA), the XYZR (x-y-z-roll) world-space is selected. With no robot model defined
(model=1), the world-space descriptor is chosen according to the group size:
2-axes: XY
3-axes: XYZ
4-axes: XYZR