82 Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster
and Viscomaster Dynamic
Viscosity Meters
Product Data
The above tables are derived from equations, which form the basis of the data in the Revised
Petroleum Measurement Tables (IP 200, ASTM D1250, API 2540 and ISO R91 Addendum 1).
The density temperature relationship used is:
Where: = Density at line temperature t°C (kg/m
= Density at base temperature 15°C (kg/m
= t°C –15°C (such as t – base temperature)
= Tangent thermal expansion coefficient per °C at base temperature 15°C
The tangent thermal expansion coefficient differs for each of the major groups of hydrocarbons. It is
obtained using the following relationship:
Where: K
and K
= API factors and are defined as follows:
E.1.3 Platinum resistance law
15 650.00 700.00 750.00 800.00 850.00 900.00 950.00 1000.00 1050.00
10 654.85 704.66 754.50 803.71 853.53 903.47 953.41 1003.36 1053.32
5 659.67 709.30 758.97 807.41 857.04 906.92 956.81 1006.72 1056.63
0 664.47 713.92 763.44 811.10 860.55 910.37 960.20 1010.07 1059.93
Product Density Range (kg/m
Crude Oil 771 – 981 613.97226 0.00000
Gasolines 654 – 779 346.42278 0.43884
Kerosines 779 – 839 594.54180 0.00000
Fuel Oils 839 – 1075 186.96960 0.48618
Table E-3 Platimum resistance law (To DIN 43 760)
°C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °F Ohms °F Ohms
–50 80.31 5 101.91 60 123.24 115 144.17 0 93.03 100 114.68
–45 82.29 10 103.90 65 125.16 120 146.06 10 95.21 110 116.83
–40 84.27 15 105.85 70 127.07 125 147.94 20 97.39 120 118.97
–35 86.25 20 107.79 75 128.98 130 149.82 30 99.57 130 121.11
–30 88.22 25 109.73 80 130.89 135 151.70 32 100.00 140 123.24
–25 90.19 30 111.67 85 132.80 140 153.58 40 101.74 150 125.37
–20 92.16 35 113.61 90 134.70 145 155.45 50 103.90 160 127.50
–15 94.12 40 115.54 95 136.60 150 157.31 60 106.07 170 129.62
–10 96.09 45 117.47 100 138.50 155 159.18 70 108.23 180 131.74
–5 98.04 50 119.40 105 140.39 160 161.04 80 110.38 190 133.86
0 100.00 55 121.32 110 142.29 165 162.90 90 112.53 200 135.97
Table E-2 Refined products continued
Temp. (°C) Density (kg/m
8.01exp Δα+Δα−=