
72 Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster
and Viscomaster Dynamic
Viscosity Meters
Modbus Communications
D.5 Index codes
This section provides an interpretation of the numerical indices used to represent non-numerical
263 RTD resistance (in ohms)
4-byte float
264 Meter coil pickup level (in volts)
4-byte float
265 Meter resonance Q value
4-byte float
266 Electronics board temperature (in °C)
267/8 Software version string
286 Time period A
4-byte float
287 Time period B
4-byte float
288 Referred density at 2
referral temperature
4-byte float
289 Line dynamic viscosity
4-byte float
290 Line kinematic viscosity
4-byte float
294 Referred density API base density (15°C)
4-byte float
320 Calculation selection (write-protected) Long integer
321 Phase angle fixing (write-protected) Long integer
322 Write-protected copy of V0 4-byte float
323 Write-protected copy of V1 4-byte float
324 Write-protected copy of V2 4-byte float
326 Write-protected copy of V3 4-byte float
327 Write-protected copy of V4 4-byte float
384 Value for Q when fixed 4-byte float
385 Value for time period B when fixed 4-byte float
386 Value for raw line density when fixed 4-byte float
387 Value for line dynamic viscosity when fixed 4-byte float
388 Value for line kinematic viscosity when fixed 4-byte float
400 Line dynamic viscosity scale factor 4-byte float
401 Line dynamic viscosity offset 4-byte float
402 Line kinematic viscosity scale factor 4-byte float
421 Line dynamic viscosity units Long integer D.5.10
422 V0 4-byte float
423 V1 4-byte float
424 V2 4-byte float
426 V3 4-byte float
427 V4 4-byte float
(1) This is a live value. Although it can be written to, it would be pointless.
(2) This value is only valid when bit 3 (hex 08) is set in the diagnostics flag register (22), after a one-second pause.
Table D-1 Modbus register assignments continued
Register Function Data Type
Index Table