
42 Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster
and Viscomaster Dynamic
Viscosity Meters
Using ADView and ProLink II
Certain parameters are not available for configuration by ADView, including the Density Offset value
which may be required to fine tune the calibration of the meter. However, ADView does have tools for
reading and writing to individual Modbus registers (using the
Tools > Register Read/Write facility),
and for direct communication on the Modbus (using
Tools > Direct Comms). More details and
examples are given in Appendix D, but for the significant majority of applications these tools will not
be required.
ADView’s Board Configuration window is shown below:
To exit from any of the configuration windows without making any changes, press the
Esc key on
your computer keyboard.
Density referral (Configure… button)
To configure the density referral calculation, you will need to enter the relevant information.
•For matrix referral, this is a set of four values of density for each of up to five different
temperatures; Appendix B gives more details on this.
•For API referral, you can select the product type, which automatically adjusts the coefficients
of the General Density Equation (see Section 6.1.5), or enter your own values.
Data logging
ADView’s Data Logging function is a useful tool for checking setups and performing experimental
data capture. The diagram below explains some of the features.
There is no facility within ADView or the meter to ‘reset’ to a default configuration. Therefore,
before attempting any alterations to the configuration, you are strongly advised to use the
Register Dump/Load facility in ADView to store the existing configuration (see “Register Dump /
Load” on page 43). Then, if any mishap occurs, you will be able to restore the configuration from
the saved file.