
2 Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster
and Viscomaster Dynamic
Viscosity Meters
Two forms of output are available:
Two off 4-20 mA analog outputs, factory set but have individually configurable span, bias,
limits, and filter options. The standard factory settings for these outputs are Line Kinematic
Viscosity on Analog Output 1 and Line Temperature on Analog Output 2. Alternatively, the
analog outputs may be controlled by one of the following:
Line dynamic viscosity
Line density
Base or referred kinematic viscosity
Base or referred density (API or Matrix referral)
Line temperature
Note: The Viscomaster Dynamic meter’s analog output 2 is set to temperature and only the span, bias,
and limits can be changed.
An RS-485 (Modbus) interface, giving access to other measurement results, system
information and configuration parameters.
No signal converter is required, which simplifies wiring and enables the meter to be connected
directly to a plant monitoring and control systems and/or a local indicator.
The meter is factory set to perform API density referral. Re-configuration of the meter’s default
settings (see Appendix A) is achieved by linking a PC to the Modbus (RS-485) connection and
running Micro Motion's ADView or ProLink II (v2.9 or later) software. Once configured, the PC can
be removed.
1.2.2 7829 Viscomaster meter measurements
The 7829 Viscomaster meter directly measures the following fluid properties:
Line dynamic viscosity – measured in centiPoise - cP.
Line Density – measured in kg/m
, g/cc, lb/gal, or lb/ft
Temperature – measured in °C or °F.
From these properties, the meter calculates:
Line and base (referred) kinematic viscosity – measured in centiStokes - cSt.
Line and base (referred) density – API or Matrix.
Referral is made to 15°C, 1.013 bar; or at 60°F, 14.5 psi.
1.2.3 7829 Viscomaster Dynamic meter measurements
The 7829 Viscomaster Dynamic meter directly measures the following fluid properties:
Line dynamic viscosity – measured in centiPoise - cP.
Temperature – measured in °C or °F.
From these properties, the meter calculates:
Line kinematic viscosity – measured in centiStokes - cSt.
Note: The line kinematic viscosity calculation requires the user input of a base (or reference) density
value and a temperature (at which the base density value is valid).