Equipment Installation Manual,
GEN-X Electronic Flight Bag
1069-2510-01 D.doc
Rev D
Page 11 of 27
Data Input:
Baud Rate...........................................Auto Sensing
Supported ARINC Data Labels
ARINC 429 ====================== 743 BNR == 429 BNR === BCD
Date................................................ 260
Time ............................................... 150 125
Latitude ..................... 110 310 010
Longitude ................... 111 311 011
Altitude ..................... 370 076, 203, 204
Ground Speed ................... 112 312 (012)
Heading .......... 314, 320 014, 044
Track Angle ................... 103 313 013
ETA / Time to go .... 252 056
Distance to Go ................ 351*
Time to Destination .... 352*
Destination Waypoint (GAMA) 074* 075*
(decode last wpt only) ..... 113* 300 - 307*
Destination Waypoint . 061, 062, 063
* indicates GAMA label
MTBF.................................................Greater than 10,000 hours.