
A Printer Specifications
Ribbon Specifications
NOTE: Only cabinet models support 100-yard ribbons. Pedestal models
must use 60-yard ribbons. Use only the ribbons listed below. Each kit
contains six ribbons.
Paper Specifications
Type: Edge-perforated, fan-fold, 3 to 17 inches (7.62 to 43.18 cm) wide,
2 to 16 inches (5.08 to 40.64 cm) long.
Thickness: Single-part: 15 to 100 pound (6.80 to 45.36 kg) stock; Multi-part:
1- to 6-part forms (maximum 12 lb [5.44 kg] ply of upper plies)
Sheet Thickness:0.025 inch (0.064 cm) maximum
Drive: Adjustable tractors (6-pin engagement)
On Backing:One-part continuous perforated fanfold back form. Labels must
be placed at least 1/6 inch (0.42 cm) from the fan-fold perforation.
Backing adhesive must not be squeezed out during printing.
Sheet Size: 3 to 17 inches (7.62 to 43.18 cm) wide, including the two standard
perforated tractor feed strips. A maximum sheet length of 16
inches (40.64 cm) between top and bottom perforations.
Thickness: Not to exceed 0.025 inch (0.064 cm) (including backing sheet)
Table 24. Printer Ribbons
Part Number Description
107675-905 Carton of 6 OCR Application ribbons,
used on both cabinet and pedestal models.
Length: 60 yards (54.84 m)
Width: 1 inch (2.54 cm)
Thickness: .0039 inches (.009906 cm)
107675-908 Carton of 6 OCR Application ribbons,
used on cabinet models only.
Length: 100 yards (91.4 m)
Width: 1 inch (2.54 cm)
Thickness: .0039 inches (.009906 cm)