Centronics Parallel Interface Configuration
Acknowledge. A low true pulse from the printer indicating the character or
function code has been received and the printer is ready for the next data
Online. A high true level from the printer to indicate the printer is ready for
data transfer and the ON LINE key on the control panel has been activated.
When the printer is in online mode, it may accept data from the host.
Paper Empty (PE). A high true level from the printer to indicate the printer is
in a fault condition.
Busy. A high true level from the printer to indicate the printer cannot receive
Prime. A high true level from the host to indicate the printer should perform a
Paper Instruction (PI). Carries a CVFU signal from the host with the same
timing and polarity as the data lines.
Centronics Parallel Interface Configuration
Your printer is configured at the factory to match the interface you specified.
By using the control panel, you can verify and change several interface
parameters in order to meet specific application requirements.
Refer to “Parallel Submenu” on page 107 for Centronics parameter
descriptions and information on selecting values for the following parameters:
• Data Bit 8 (enable or disable)
• Data Polarity (standard or inverted)
• Strobe Polarity (standard or inverted)
• Response Polarity (standard or inverted)
• Busy on Strobe (enable or disable)
• Latch Data On Leading or Trailing Edge of Strobe
• Prime Signal (enable or disable)
• TOF Action (reset or do nothing)
• Buffer Size in K (1-16)
Some application programs require a unique configuration. If the printer is not
working properly in the configuration you have selected, contact an
authorized service representative.