
Chapter 6 Diagnosing Problems
EXHAUST FAN FLT Yes Sensors cannot detect
current in fan circuit.
Power off the printer and remove
the paper path. Check that the
fan cable connector is
connected. Check for
obstruction of vents and fan
airway, and remove any
obstructions. Check for items
beneath the printer blocking
cabinet vents. Power back on
the printer. If this message
recurs, contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
FIRMWARE ERROR* No Application software
tried to perform an
illegal printer function
or damaged memory
detected on board.
Contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
FRAMING ERROR Yes Serial framing error.
(Serial interface.)
Check your serial host interface
parameter settings; if necessary,
adjust them so that they match
the settings of the attached host.
HAM. COIL OPEN* No Electrical malfunction
of one or more
hammer coils.
Contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
HB NOT INSTALLD* No Self-test does not
detect hammer coils.
Contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
HMR BANK FAN FLT Yes Sensors cannot detect
current in fan circuit.
Power off printer and remove
paper path. Check that fan cable
is connected. Check for
obstruction of vents and fan
airway; remove any
obstructions. Check for items
beneath the printer blocking
cabinet vents. Power back on
the printer. If this message
recurs, contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
ILL EXT BUS ACC* No Fatal firmware error on
controller board.
Contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
ILLGL OPR ACCSS* No Fatal firmware error on
controller board.
Contact your authorized
customer service engineer.
Table 19. LCD Message Troubleshooting Table (continued)
Displayed Message
Can User
Explanation Solution