Thank you for choos ing RadioCom
Telex Com mu ni ca tions would like to take this op por tu nity to thank you for choos ing the RadioCom™ BTR-800
Pro fes sional Wire less In ter com Sys tem. Many of the fea tures in this prod uct are the re sult of years of de vel op --
ment work with many of the fea tures de vel oped from cus tomer feed back. We hope that your ex pe ri ence with this
prod uct is a pleas ant one and hope to pro vide you with a con tin u ing line of RadioCom™ prod ucts well into the
fu ture. In or der to get the most out of your new wire less in ter com sys tem, please take a few mo ments to look
through this book let be fore us ing the prod uct for the first time.
-Telex Com mu ni ca tions, Inc.