* Certain countries will be abbreviated as follows:
Federal Republic of Germany GERMANY, F.R.
Papua New Guniea PAPUA N.GUINEA
Czech Republic CZECH REP.
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago TRINID. & TOB.
Dominican Republic DOMINICAN REP.
French Polynesia FR. POLYNESIA
United Arab Emirates U.A. EMIRATES
United States of America U S A
* Country and city names in the list and their relative time
differences are current as of July 1997.
Setting the time and date
1. Press [MENU] to open the Clock menu.
2. Select ADJUST TIME/DATE and press [ENTER].
The ADJUST TIME/DATE window opens.
The window has three fields: Time System, Local Date, and
Local Time.
3. Press [ ] or [ ] to indicate whether you want the time
shown in 12- or 24-hour format.
4. Move to the LOCAL DATE field. Enter the current month
and day in two digits, and the year in four digits. You can
also select the date by pressing [ ] to display the pop-
up calendar. (Use [PREV] and [NEXT] to display the
desired month, then [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] to move to the
current day.)
You can set any date from January 1st, 1901 to December
31st, 2099.
5. Move to the LOCAL TIME field, enter the current time and
press [AM] or [PM] (for AM or PM). Be sure to enter a 0
before a single-digit hour or minute entry.
6. Press [ENTER] (or [CANCEL] to cancel the changes).
The time and date are now stored.
* Because the Organizer automatically adjusts the time after
the Local city is changed, you should select the Local city
before setting the time and date.
* Changing the setting in the TIME SYSTEM field also
changes the time display format for all the Organizer’s
time-related applications and functions, such as Schedule.