Blackberry SWD-1908241-0130125758-001 PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Cancel a conference call
You can cancel a conference call the same way that you cancel other meetings using the Calendar application. After you cancel
a conference call, a notification is sent to the participants and the conference meeting is removed from your calendar and the
participants' calendars. Your conference call information might still be saved on the conferencing system that you are using.
1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon.
2. Click a meeting.
Press the key > Delete.
About scheduling a conference call from a computer
To schedule a conference call from a computer, you must be the meeting organizer or be creating the meeting on behalf of the
meeting organizer. For information about creating meetings on behalf of another person, see the Help for the email application
on your computer.
You can use your computer's calendar application or a web-based calendar to schedule a conference call that you can access
on your BlackBerry smartphone. When the conference call starts, the meeting organizer and participants who have BlackBerry
Mobile Conferencing on their smartphones can join the conference call using the Join Now option.
If you schedule a conference call on the calendar application of a computer that includes the moderator and participant access
codes, the moderator access code is visible to all participants of the conference call. To keep the moderator access code hidden
from participants, delete it from the meeting invitation. If create an audio conference profile on your smartphone, conference
calls that you schedule from your computer's calendar application or a web-based calendar use the moderator access code of
that audio conference profile when you use the Join Now option. For conference calls to be discovered automatically, make
sure that you enter the conference details in the top portion of the Notes section of the meeting invitation.
If the conference call bridge number is a US toll-free number 1-800-555-5555, the participant access code is 55555, the
moderator access code is 55551, type the following information in the body of the meeting invitation:
US Toll Free: 1-800-555-5555
Moderator Access Code: 55551
Participant Access Code: 55555
Turn an email into a meeting invitation
You can change an existing email to create a meeting invitation for a conference call.
1. In the Messages application, highlight or open a message.
2. Press the key > Schedule Conference.
User Guide
Conference call basics