Planet Technology VIP-153PT Telephone User Manual

PLANET PoE IP Phone User’s Manual
GK mode: Enable/disable Gatekeeper function.
GK IP: Set Gatekeeper IP address or Domain Name.
RAS/Q931 Port: communication port number of the Gatekeeper for VIP-103PT to
send messages.
Forward Mode:
Immediate: enable/disable Immediate Forward function.
Immediate Number: setup the immediate forward number here.
Busy: enable /disable Busy Forward function.
Busy Number: setup the busy forward number here
No Answer: enable /disable No Answer Forward function.
No Answer Number: setup the No Answer Forward number here
No Answer Time: setup the No Answer Forward number here
Advanced Setting:
RTP Port (Starting): the starting port number used in the PoE IP phone voice
transmission port.
RTP Prot (Ending): the ending port number used in the PoE IP phone voice
transmission port.
H.323 Fast Connect: enable/disable the H.323 fast start mode
H245 Mode: enable H.245 tunneling mode or open the H.245 channel after H.323
fast start connection
H235 Security: select the authentication type for the H.235 security
H.450.1 On: enable or disable the H.323 supplementary services in machine
Codec (G.711u/G.711a/G.729/G.723): voice codec used to encode the voice
packets. In VoIP communications, the called party determines the type of voice
codec used in conversation.
Frame Size: user can set different packet size to meet the demands from calling
Full RRQ: in the GK application,
you may enable or disable sending full RRQ
information when registering to the GK (Default: No)