Accessories 6-3
1.4 Control Station
1.5 Public Address
1.6 Cables
1.7 Mounting
HPN4002_ Desktop Power Supply 1-25 W
HPN4001_ Desktop Power Supply 25-60 W
HMN3000_ Black Desk Microphone
RLN5390_ Desktop Tray with Speaker
RLN5391_ Desktop Tray without Speaker
RLN5492 Low Power Control Station Kit (1-25 W) (includes power supply,
desktop tray, and desk mic)
RLN5493 High Power Control Station Kit (25-60 W) (includes power supply,
desktop tray, and desk mic)
RLN5288_ Public Address Kit (includes switch box and cabling)
HKN9324_R Speaker Cable for PA (15 ft.)
HSN1000_R External Speaker, 6 W for public address
HKN9327_R Ignition Switch Cable
HKN4137_ Low Power Cable to Battery (1-25 W)
HKN4191_ High Power Cable to Battery (25-60 W)
GLN7324_ Low Profile Mounting Bracket
GLN7317_ High Profile Mounting Bracket
FTN6083_ DIN Mount
HLN8097_ Removable Slide Mount with Mini_U connector
HLN9227_ 8 in. Gooseneck Trunnion
RLN4779_ Keylock Mounting Bracket