System Operating Procedures
3-26 October 2002
Operating the Processor
Operator Control Panel
The operator control panel (OCP) for the processor allows you to view and
• chemical and dryer temperatures
• development time
• chemical replenishment rate
• current day and time
• automatic startup and shutdown times
• equipment status checks
• error messages
The keypad on the OCP is covered with a plastic overlay and can be easily wiped
clean using a damp cloth. The display is a two-line liquid crystal display (LCD).
The top line indicates whether the processor is in the View, Set, Calibrate or Min
Max mode. The bottom line indicates the current feature information, menu
selections, etc. and is called the working line.
View Mode
The View mode is the normal screen mode. In this mode current processing
conditions, device settings and messages from the processor can be viewed.
Set Mode
The Set mode is used to change the operation settings of the processor.
Calibrate Mode
The Calibrate mode is used to calibrate devices and ensure that the processor is
accurately tracking and displaying equipment conditions.
Min Max Mode
The Min Max mode is used to view the minimum and maximum readings for the
device that is current.
- - - SET - - -
MON OFF 15:00
LCD display
current mode
blue function keys
Up and
Set key
LED indicator
Reset keys