Using the System
October 2002 2-7
3. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 30. Align the edge of the test
print with the lever on the densitometer. Gently feed the test print through the
densitometer to scan the patches labeled “both”.
If the test print is read successfully, several messages will appear in the status
bar; the final message indicates that the densitometer values have been
successfully received. Go to “Completing the Calibration.”
If the test print is not read successfully, refer to “Calibration Troubleshooting”
on page 5-19.
Completing the Calibration
1. If calibration is in tolerance, the LUT Attributes dialog box appears.
a. Enter a name or comment in the dialog box. The comment you enter will
appear on the Send LUT to Printer screen to identify the LUT file with a
name that is meaningful to you (up to 75 characters).
b. Click OK.
The new printing LUT is calculated and downloaded. “Calibration
Complete” appears in the status bar. The calibration is complete.
2. If calibration is out of tolerance, it may be necessary to run four or more
iterations of the calibration cycle to achieve a successful calibration.
Test print