Icom IC-F610 Two-Way Radio User Manual

Emergency Call
• Enter 9 plus an individual code or a group code and
then push [#]. The emergency call will be started.
‘Selectable Emergency Function; Disable*
Enter 9, then push [#]. The pre-programmed
‘Emergency Number’ used for the emergency call.
‘Selectable Emergency Function; Enable*
Enter 9, then push [#]. The current ‘Dial Number’
selected via [ ]/[ ]used for the emergency call.
-If the system is busy (no channel is available), a chan-
nel is forcibly made available allowing you to establish
the communication.
Selectable Emergency Function’ can be set with the cloning software
(p. 28).
System Wide Call
• Entering 1981# will allow you to make a priority voice
• Entering 1982# will allow you to make a voice call.
• Entering 1987# will allow you to make a standard voice
Each of the above calls is used to call all the mobile sta-
tions that are waiting on the system.
Enter 0 plus a telephone number (8 digits or more) and
then push [#]. The PSTN call will be started.
Enter 0 plus a telephone number (5 to 7 digits) and then
push [#]. The PABX call will be started.
Divert Own Call
• Enter 41n plus the individual code of the station you
want to divert your own call to, and then push [#].
This will allow you to divert your own call to the specified
In the place of ‘n’, enter 1 for voice, 0 for data, or noth-
ing for both voice and data.
• Enter #41n, then push [#] to cancel the diversion.Or
enter #45n# to cancel the above diversion on the station
you want to divert your own call to.
Divert 3rd Party Call
• Enter 44nplus Station B’s individual code plus plus
Station A’s individual code (destination), and then push
[#]. Station B’s call will be diverted to Station A.
In the place of ‘n’, enter 1 for voice, 0 for data, or noth-
ing for both voice and data.
• Enter #44n plus station B’s individual code, and then
push [#] to cancel this diverting.
Cancellation of Divert
• Enter #41n and then push [#]. This will allow you to can-
cel the Divert Own call.
IC-F610_MPT-2.qxd 05.5.10 1:00 PM Page 16 (1,1)