GE Monogram eKEY PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

This is the GE Security eKEY User Manual. This document
includes an overview of the product and detailed instructions
how to set up your eKEY;
how to perform an eSYNC to update your eKEY;
how to access KeyBoxes;
how to view showing activity for your listings; and
how to view MLS listing and roster data.
There is also information describing how to contact technical
support if you have questions or concerns.
For specific information about your personal digital assistant
(PDA), refer to the documentation that was provided with your
PDA. For additional information on using your Supra eKEY
software, visit and click on the Training
Conventions used in this document
The following conventions are used in this document:
Bold Menu items and buttons.
Italic Emphasis of an instruction or point; special terms.
File names, path names, windows, panes, tabs,
fields, variables, and other GUI elements.
Titles of books and various documents.
Blue italic (Electronic version.) Hyperlinks to cross-references,
related topics, and URL addresses.