For ET predicting it is recommended that 5 to 6 Good Runs be entered into a
database and that there is a span of at least 1000’ feet in DA or OA between the
Ex: Typical Data
Run #1 1223’ 10.20
Run #2 1301’ 10.204
Run #3 1956’ 10.236
Run #4 2000’ 10.237
Run #5 2245’ 10.249
Run #6 2269’ 10.25
For TS predicting it is also recommended that 5 to 6 runs be entered into a database and
that there is a span of at least 1000’ feet in DA or OA between the runs. It is also
recommended that there is some variance in the timer settings between the runs. In
other words change the timer setting for at least 3 of the runs. The timer should be
adjusted enough to cause up to a 0.30 second change in ET.
Often using a run with no timer works very well. Just enter the run with 0.0 sec for the
Good Runs:
1. Altitude goes up, car loses performance/altitude goes down, car gains performance
2. 60’ times consistent, no tire slip
3. Wind effects minimal, 30 mph front or tail winds are not present
The more Good Runs and the more altitude span the more accurate your predictions
will be.
It often takes a number of trips to the track to acquire the above-recommended data in
order to produce accurate results. Because of this, we suggest using the following
method until enough data has been acquired.
Gasoline burning engines:
A 200’ rise in DA typically yields a 0.01sec slow down in ET and vice-versa for a drop
in DA.
Alcohol burning engines:
A 400’ rise in DA typically yields a 0.01sec slow down in ET and vice-versa for a drop
in DA.
For TS racers:
Typically the TS ratio is 3:1. This means is takes 0.03sec in the timer to move the car
0.01sec. Use this information with the above DA change to set up your timer.