Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 441
Dialogic Corporation
initialize IP_VIRTBOARD data structure — INIT_IP_VIRTBOARD( )
initialize IP_VIRTBOARD data structure
The INIT_IP_VIRTBOARD( ) function is used to initialize an IP_VIRTBOARD data structure,
which contains configuration data for a specific virtual IPT board. This function must be called to
initialize an IP_VIRTBOARD structure for each virtual board that will be defined by calling
INIT_IPCCLIB_START_DATA( ) before calling gc_Start( ).
After the structure is initialized, an application can overwrite any of the defeat values as
appropriate to the specific requirements. Among the items controlled by the IP_VIRTBOARD
structure and initialized by this function are:
• maximum number of calls (total, H.323, and SIP)
• local IP address and signaling ports for H.323 and SIP
• H.323 Terminal Type (default is Gateway)
• enable access to H.323 message information fields (default is disabled)
• enable call transfer supplementary service (default is disabled)
• enable access to SIP message header fields and MIME-encoded message bodies (default is
access disabled for both headers and MIME bodies)
• enable and configure a SIP outbound proxy (default is disabled)
• enable and configure TCP transport for SIP requests (default is disabled)
• configure SIP request retry behavior (default enables all allowable retries)
• enable application access to SIP OPTIONS requests (default is disabled)
• configure maximum number of SIP registrations (default equals max. number of SIP calls)
• pointer to the structure to be initialized
Returns: None
Includes: gcip.h
Mode: synchronous
Parameter Description
pIpVb points to the IP_VIRTBOARD data structure to be initialized. See
IP_VIRTBOARD, on page 553, for information on the default values and
optional values that may be after initialization.