Dialogic Corporation
binding exists between the AOR
and the transport address
an INVITE addressed to tom@somewhere.com would be routed by a Proxy to the address
454554-tom-sdih53@py1.somewhere.com:5063. When the application receives the
GCEV_OFFERED event for this INVITE, it can extract the “454554-tom-sdih53” portion of the
address from the Phone List and use that information to route the call to the appropriate logical SIP
endpoint. Note that calls are not automatically routed to a specific IPT device by the registration
Global Call supports registering and de-registering with a Registrar, and querying the Registrar for
existing bindings; it does not support receiving SIP REGISTER requests. Table 19 associates
abstract Registrar registration concepts with SIP REGISTER message elements and Global Call
programming interface elements.
Note: Because the Transport Address is sent to the Registrar in the Contact header field, which can use
any valid URI scheme according to RFC 3261, the header field must include a valid URI scheme
prefix, such as “sip:” or “sips:”. If the application does not supply a scheme prefix, the call control
library automatically inserts “sip:”, but only after the SIP stack has generated a parser error. These
stack parser errors are written to the RTFLog file unless the user turns off logging of this type of
error. To turn off the logging of these parser errors, find the line
<MClient name="PARSER" state = "1"/>
in the RtfConfigWin.xml file and replace it with
<MClient name="PARSER" state = "1">
<MClientLabel name="Error" state = "0"/>
Table 19. SIP REGISTER Method
Concept SIP REGISTER Element Global Call Interface Element
Initiate registration REGISTER method gc_ReqService( )
Registrar’s address Request-URI IPSET_REG_INFO
Alias (Address-of-record) To header field IPSET_REG_INFO
Sender's address-of-record (only
used in 3rd party call control
From header field IPSET_SIP_MSGINFO
header string starting with “From:” †
Transport address (actual
endpoint address)
Contact header field IPSET_LOCAL_ALIAS
address string
Auto-refresh interval Expires header field IPSET_REG_INFO
† If not supplied by application, library automatically uses the value provided for Alias