About this manual
This user manual is divided into five chapters.
Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information
and chapters 3 and 4 provide detailed user
information and chapter 5 provides general
information as follows:
• Chapter 1 - Intercom - containing a brief
overview of the Digital Congress Network Next
Generation and an overview of the functionality
of the Intercom application.
• Chapter 2 - Getting started - containing details of
how to start the Intercom application from the
Startup screen and a description of the Help
• Chapter 3 - Preparing for a conference -
containing details about pre-conference activities
using Intercom, such as working with intercom
files, setting up and deleting special intercom
links and specifying intercom settings.
• Chapter 4 - Intercom activity during a
conference - containing details of handling
incoming intercom calls, generating intercom
calls, printing, and exiting Intercom.
Manual conventions
For clarity this user manual uses consistent styles,
symbols and typographical conventions. They are:
i Note
General notes are contained within rules and
indicated with this symbol in the left margin.
Notes are used to draw attention to special
actions or information.
i Caution
A caution is contained within rules and
indicated with this symbol at the left margin.
Cautions are used to draw attention to actions
or commands that could lead to a loss of
information or damage to equipment
i Tip
A tip is contained within a box and indicated
with this symbol at the left margin. Tips are use
to provide supplementary information that may
make an action quicker or easier to carry out.
• An action (to be carried out by the user) is shown
with a larger round bullet mark.
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions (text styles)
are used in this manual:
• Typed input - information to be typed in using
the keyboard is shown as:
• Single key - input via a single key (or keys) on
the keyboard is shown as:
<enter>, <shift>, etc.
• Multiple keys - input via a combination of keys
pressed together is shown as:
<ctrl>+<p>, <alt>+<f4>
• Screen text - information that appears on screen
is shown as:
‘Choose Startup Modules:’
This manual is also available as a digital document in
the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). All
references to pages, figures, tables, etc. in this digital
document contain hyperlinks to the referenced location.